Discipline, our Core

Our disciplined analytical fundamental framework is based on five sets of investment criteria, all integrating ESG aspects. Our strict financial analysis allows us to identify companies with strong management teams, clear competitive advantages in growing markets, high profitability and prudent balance sheets, which results in a portfolio of quality stocks. Together, our proprietary ESG approach gives our investors access to companies with sustainable growth potential in an evolving world economy.

Geoffroy Goenen
Head of Fundamental European Equities
We rely on very in-depth and disciplined research that places innovation as the highest-priority investment criteria to reinforce our convictions about the competitive advantage of our investee companies.


Defending our choices

We manage a limited number of strategies on which our team focuses all their efforts. For each one, we are convinced of its potential to seize the most promising opportunities in terms of long-term performance. We combine active fundamental management with an ESG approach: our funds all are classified as either Article 8 or Article 9 under the European SFDR regulation Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) and rely on a very active program of engagement and active ownership. We are particularly keen to engage and partner with small- and medium-sized businesses, which we support in their transformation and growth projects.


Favouring innovation as a performance criterion

We developed a dedicated research process on company innovation, to concretely incorporate our view on the competitive advantage of our companies and their growth potential. We firmly believe that innovation allows companies to create and support the necessary growth areas, through their high-potential segments (such as energy transition, technology, healthcare, digitalisation, automation of the economy, and others).

Figures are worth a thousand words





of the strategies employ ESG integration

5 strategies

Sustainable Europe, Sustainable EMU, European Small & Mid Cap, Europe Innovation, Optimum Quality

+ 15 years

Team working together

Management at the root of our convictions

Our convictions are rooted in the team culture that fuels our thinking, makes our analyses more relevant, and challenges our search for the winning companies of today and tomorrow, whatever their sector of activity. They are enriched by proprietary fundamental and ESG research and are embodied in active management, validated by financial and ESG criteria.


Providing clarity and consistency

We apply a disciplined investment process through methodical financial analysis, incorporating non-financial criteria to ensure the sustainability of our investments and to help manage risk. In addition to our continuously-reviewed five-section analysis of stocks, we also analyse each name from an innovation perspective. All of these steps are designed to give clarity and consistency to our investment decisions.


Choosing our strategies

Our offering concentrates on four European equity strategies that provide very specific choices: a dynamic approach, which favours innovative companies in Europe (EMU version available); a combined strategy of quantitative management, to control volatility and adapt the portfolio's risk level to market trends, paired with fundamental analysis to seek to optimise performance; and two sustainable strategies -- one for large caps (Europe or EMU version) and one for small- and mid-caps -- through the selection of an investment universe which meets ESG factors.


Do you want to know more about our equities funds?

Main risks on European Equity Strategies

  • Risk of loss of capital
  • Equity risk
  • Currency risk
  • Liquidity risk
  • Concentration risk
  • Derivative risk
  • Counterparty Risk
  • Volatility risk

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  • Candriam in the press

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