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The investment landscape is evolving against a backdrop of rising economic uncertainties and a cautious market environment, further complicated by geopolitical tensions and upcoming elections.
  • Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Fixed Income, Dany da Fonseca, Vincent Compiègne, Patrick Zeenni

    Beyond the Green Bond

    Based on our long-standing views of the financial benefits of sustainability, we integrate some level of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factor analysis across all our investment processes, and particularly for our sustainable investment strategies.
  • Asset Allocation, Nadège Dufossé

    Is summer volatility inevitable?

    The MSCI World (developed countries index) hit an all-time high in mid-July, following an almost uninterrupted 33% rise since its low point at the end of October 2023. Only a correction of around 5% in April 2024 enabled some reactive investors to jump on the bandwagon if they hadn't done so since the last quarter of last year.
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  • Johann Mauchand
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  • Johann Mauchand
Research Paper, Johann Mauchand, Alternative Investments, Asset Allocation

Alternative strategies: Is 40/30/30 the new 60/40?

2022 was a landmark year for monetary policy, with Central banks shifting priority from supporting growth to taming inflation.
Research Paper, Alternative Investments, Johann Mauchand, Steeve Brument, CTA

CTAs throughout the business cycle : a form of economic rationality?

With the onset of the inflationary cycle and the change in central bank monetary policy, markets have entered a new paradigm, leaving investors uncertain as to the direction that markets will take next, and the timing of the transition into the next phase of the economic cycle.
Outlook 2023, Johann Mauchand, Steeve Brument, CTA

CTA's: "Ride of the Valkyries"

Hard landing or soft? From Draghi’s ‘’Whatever it takes” to Powell’s “Whatever it costs”, we know the markets are ready for exciting times. CTAs aim to face the next swing, whether it be hard landing or soft.
CTA, Alternative Investments, Asset Allocation, Johann Mauchand, Research Paper, Steeve Brument

Smile! CTA convexity is not lost…

If the smile measures how the portfolio value reacts to changes in the underlying markets, then maybe we should measure the smiles – and this is what our investment team has been doing.
Research Paper, CTA, Alternative Investments, Asset Allocation, Steeve Brument, Johann Mauchand

Interest rates go up

After several decades of riding a government bonds bull market, investors are now looking for alternative drivers of return. Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) strategies, with their ability to make gains in rising, as well as falling markets, have historically been able to improve risk-adjusted returns when introduced to a balanced portfolio. However, a question that investors can legitimately ask today is how are CTAs impacted by rising interest rates?

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