Rudi Van den Eynde

Rudi Van den Eynde

Co-Head of Thematic Global Equity Management

Rudi Van den Eynde has been Head of Thematic Global Equity at Candriam since 2011, and manager of our flagship Biotechnology strategy for more than 24 years. In his role at Candriam and our predecessor companies since 1987, Rudi has accrued more than three decades of investment management experience in a variety of functions across multiple asset classes. His experience includes currency trading, and institutional client and private client management. He is a voting member of the Economic Outlook Committee at Candriam. 

Discover the latest articles by Rudi Van den Eynde

Malgorzata Kluba, Rudi Van den Eynde, Oncology, Renta variable

Día Mundial del Cáncer 2023

Y preferiríamos no tener que celebrarlo, lo que significaría que hemos ganado la batalla y que el cáncer es curable.
Outlook 2023, Rudi Van den Eynde

Building a New World: Thematic Investments

In the United States Antonín Dvořák composed the New World Symphony in 1893 and Neil Armstrong took it on a cassette to the moon. Rudi Van den Eynde takes it global, presenting us a New World of long-term trends.
Q&A, Health Care, Rudi Van den Eynde

Biotech investing: is there a doctor in the house?

Rudi Van Den Eynde, Head of Thematic Global Equity at Candriam, answers investors’ questions about a sector where depth of specialist knowledge is a prerequisite to consistent stock selection success.
Oncology, Q&A, Rudi Van den Eynde, Renta variable

Inversión en oncología

Rudi Van Den Eynde, Co-Head of Thematic Global Equity, y Linden Thomson, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, explican a los inversores el enfoque que utilizaron para crear y desarrollar una estrategia de inversión en el sector de la oncología.

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