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Adapt to thrive in the Fixed Income Jungle

Fixed Income, Adapt to thrive
Over a decade ago negative rates started looming, creating an unprecedented environment. Well the Fixed Income space is definitely the opposite, a lush jungle dominated by the canopy, aka the AAA-AA ratings, covering an Investment Grade A to BBB ratings understory, down to the High Yield BB and lower ratings forest floor.
  • US elections, Asset Allocation, Macro, Florence Pisani, Emile Gagna

    Trump’s Economic Policy

    The election of Donald Trump, coupled with the Republican Party's control of both houses of Congress, has resulted in a new political landscape in the United States. What key decisions must the new administration make? What impact will these decisions have on the macroeconomic environment, financial markets and investors?
  • Research Paper, Oncology, ESG, SRI, Servaas Michielssens

    Precision Oncology Powered by AI: A New Era for Cancer Treatment

    Have you heard about radiotheranostics? This new field in medicine combines diagnosis and therapy. It involves using specially designed radioactive compounds that can both identify cancer cells and deliver targeted radiation therapy to destroy them. This is one of the latest developments of precision medicine, a domain that offers fascinating prospects in both early detection and specific treatment.
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  • Asset Allocation
US elections, Asset Allocation, Macro, Florence Pisani, Emile Gagna

Trump’s Economic Policy

The election of Donald Trump, coupled with the Republican Party's control of both houses of Congress, has resulted in a new political landscape in the United States. What key decisions must the new administration make? What impact will these decisions have on the macroeconomic environment, financial markets and investors?
Monthly Coffee Break, Asset Allocation

He is back

Donald Trump’s return to the White House will likely bring a clearer picture of how dominant his policy plans will be. Undoubtedly, his rhetoric and his policy decisions will shape and shake the economy and financial markets.
Asset Allocation

Post-election realities

The US election results were a significant market driver, with Donald Trump’s victory and the Republican majority in Congress boosting expectations of tax cuts, deregulation, expansionary fiscal policy and a stricter trade policy.
Asset Allocation

Deal with Trump 2.0

The results of the US elections are quickly being absorbed by financial markets, propelling US equity indices to new highs.
Nadège Dufossé, Florence Pisani, Asset Allocation, US elections

Update on US elections

Donald Trump heads back to the White House as the 47th President, with an increased likelihood of a Republican sweep. Yesterday (6 November), market reactions were strong, with US stocks hitting all-time highs, 10Y bond yields jumping to 4.5%, and the dollar surging against most currencies.
Asset Allocation

Sweet spot

All of a sudden, the US is in a sweet spot as growth accelerates, inflation falls, the Fed eases and both presidential candidates are ready to spend massively.
Nicolas Forest, Asset Allocation

Will 2025 be the year of debt reduction? 

The steady rise in massive deficits and debt-to-GDP ratios has made public debt a staple of the financial press. However, in the wake of European elections and the opening of excessive deficit procedures, this topic - neglected by previous governments - is once again becoming a political issue. By 2025, there will be no getting around the issue of fiscal rebalancing in developed countries.

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