From Carbon to Strategy: Why Integrate Climate into Your Investments?

Climate change is becoming increasingly important for institutional investors, not only because of regulatory change, but also because of the risks involved. But what are the measures of the climate footprint of investments? How can climate protection and decarbonization be integrated into institutional portfolios? And how are the characteristics and performance of these portfolios affected by climate-related considerations?

While investors are encouraged to consider climate change in their portfolios, to meet regulatory requirements and mitigate climate-related risks, a number of questions remain:

  • How can you measure the carbon footprint of your portfolio, and the impact of climate change on your investments?
  • Since the Paris Agreement, what regulations now govern institutional sustainable investment policies?
  • How can climate considerations influence investment strategies?

In this paper, we propose that insurers and pension funds answer these questions through case studies and measurements of financial and sustainable impact.

Fabrice Sauzeau - Gert De Maeyer
Deputy Head of Pension and Insurance Relations and Development
Indicators such as the carbon footprint are not enough to answer the complex question of the impact and risks of climate change.

Want to know more about the impact and risks of climate change ?

Download our white paper.

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