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The investment landscape is evolving against a backdrop of rising economic uncertainties and a cautious market environment, further complicated by geopolitical tensions and upcoming elections.
  • Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Fixed Income, Dany da Fonseca, Vincent Compiègne, Patrick Zeenni

    Beyond the Green Bond

    Based on our long-standing views of the financial benefits of sustainability, we integrate some level of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factor analysis across all our investment processes, and particularly for our sustainable investment strategies.
  • Asset Allocation, Nadège Dufossé

    Is summer volatility inevitable?

    The MSCI World (developed countries index) hit an all-time high in mid-July, following an almost uninterrupted 33% rise since its low point at the end of October 2023. Only a correction of around 5% in April 2024 enabled some reactive investors to jump on the bandwagon if they hadn't done so since the last quarter of last year.
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Q&A, ESG, SRI, Kroum Sourov, Christopher Mey

Sustainable: an emerging market for emerging debt

Kroum Sourov and Christopher Mey, portfolio managers of the sustainable emerging market debt strategy, describe the significance this type of analysis can have for a bond portfolio. They explain Candriam’s investment process, with our emphasis on relative value and risk management. This approach is intended to allow the strategy to adapt the ever-changing markets over the course of an economic cycle.
Q&A, Bastien Dublanc, David Czupryna, Water, ESG, SRI

Investing in water: a no-brainer for the future

Bastien Dublanc and David Czupryna, managers of Candriam's water investment strategy, explain why they invest in this theme, how they select their stocks, and what differentiates Candriam from other investment managers in this area.
Q&A, Fixed Income, Credit, Nicolas Jullien

An alternative strategy with low correlation to credit markets

Discover how Candriam, with its low-correlation alternative strategy, is navigating the credit markets in these paradigm-shifting times. Nicolas Jullien, CFA, Head of High Yield & Credit Arbitrage and Thomas Joret, Senior Fund Manager, provide you with the essential information you need to understand this strategy.
Q&A, Christopher Mey

Emerging Debt: Exploring Opportunities

Christopher Mey, CFA, Head of Emerging Markets Debt at Candriam, elaborates on the signifi cance of this asset class within a bond portfolio. He discusses the importance of Candriam’s investment process, with its emphasis on relative value and risk management. This approach is intended to allow the strategy to adapt the everchanging markets over the course of an economic cycle.
Q&A, Future Mobility, Johan Van der Biest, Allan Foll, Equities

Cleaner, safer, smarter

More and more investors are turning to thematic strategies to increase their overall diversification. Johan Van Der Biest, Co-Head of Thematic Global Equity, and Allan Foll, Fund Manager, explain that thematic investment skills combined with solid financial analysis is a prerequisite for identifying high-tech companies with strong growth potential at reasonable prices.
Q&A, Fixed Income, Philippe Dehoux, Sylvain De Bus, Pierre Boyer

A diversified euro debt strategy to counter market volatility

Philippe Dehoux, Sylvain de Bus and Pierre Boyer explain how shortterm bonds are making the most of what the euro fi xed income market has to offer in the volatile environment ahead.
Q&A, Philippe Noyard, Patrick Zeenni, Nicolas Jullien, Fixed Income

A long/short credit with a long bias

We continue to discover interesting opportunities in the corporate bond universe. Philippe Noyard, Global Head of Fixed Income at Candriam, Patrick Zeenni, CFA, Head of Investment Grade & Credit Arbitrage, and Nicolas Jullien, CFA, Head of High Yield & Credit Arbitrage, explain how their approach aims to optimise the credit market’s potential with the objective of generating returns.

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