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Beyond the Green Bond

Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Fixed Income, Dany da Fonseca, Vincent Compiègne, Patrick Zeenni
Based on our long-standing views of the financial benefits of sustainability, we integrate some level of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factor analysis across all our investment processes, and particularly for our sustainable investment strategies.
  • Asset Allocation, Nadège Dufossé

    Is summer volatility inevitable?

    The MSCI World (developed countries index) hit an all-time high in mid-July, following an almost uninterrupted 33% rise since its low point at the end of October 2023. Only a correction of around 5% in April 2024 enabled some reactive investors to jump on the bandwagon if they hadn't done so since the last quarter of last year.
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Astrid Pierard, Alix Chosson, ESG, SRI, Research Paper, Equities, Water

Water risks: How to build water-conscious investment strategies?

In a world grappling with escalating water issues, prioritizing water as a strategic business imperative has never been more critical. The operational and financial impacts of water-related risks have started materializing. Our conviction is that companies must consider and manage water as the long-term strategic and operational risk it can represent.

Green is back

European economic growth is somewhat stronger than expected, but still well behind US economic growth. In the eurozone, the European Central Bank (ECB) is more confident about the economy’s disinflationary path, with wage growth continuing to moderate despite the recovery in activity.
Equities, Geoffroy Goenen, Jean-Baptiste Sergeant

European small caps: rebound at last in sight!

After a correction of 25% between November 2021 and October 2023, European small caps are now trading at lower valuations than large caps, both in terms of discounted cash flows and earnings multiples, which is a historical anomaly.
Bastien Dublanc, Astrid Pierard, Jessica Carlier, ESG, SRI, Equities, Research Paper, Water

PFAS: Genius gone wrong

PFAS have been widely used for decades due to their unique properties in various domestic and industrial applications. They are resistant to water and virtually indestructible. They are also seen as the poison of the century. Where do we stand in terms of regulation? What are the PFAS-related risks? Where are the opportunities?

Markets lost ground in April

Global stock markets had a tough time in April, after a stellar performance in the first quarter of 2024. Worse than expected inflation numbers in the US, coupled with a resilient consumer, make a rate cut from the FED very unlikely anytime soon.

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