Alfred Sandeman

Assistant ESG Analyst - Investments and Research

Alfred joined Candriam in 2023 as part of the ESG Sovereign Research Team.

He began his career as a Research Economist in the UK Government Economic Service, evaluating the economic impact of policy in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Following this, Alfred undertook a role as an equity research analyst at VSA Capital.

Alfred holds first class honours in Economics from the University of Leeds.

Discover the latest articles by Alfred Sandeman

Outlook 2024, Paulo Salazar, Vivek Dhawan, Kroum Sourov, Alfred Sandeman

Le nuove stelle nascenti nella galassia dei Mercati Emergenti

In un panorama in continua evoluzione caratterizzato da tensioni geopolitiche, dal cambiamento climatico e da un riorientamento economico globale, si sta sviluppando un Megatrend riconoscibile.
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