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Adapt to thrive in the Fixed Income Jungle

Fixed Income, Adapt to thrive
Over a decade ago negative rates started looming, creating an unprecedented environment. Well the Fixed Income space is definitely the opposite, a lush jungle dominated by the canopy, aka the AAA-AA ratings, covering an Investment Grade A to BBB ratings understory, down to the High Yield BB and lower ratings forest floor.
  • US elections, Asset Allocation, Macro, Florence Pisani, Emile Gagna

    Trump’s Economic Policy

    The election of Donald Trump, coupled with the Republican Party's control of both houses of Congress, has resulted in a new political landscape in the United States. What key decisions must the new administration make? What impact will these decisions have on the macroeconomic environment, financial markets and investors?
  • Research Paper, Oncology, ESG, SRI, Servaas Michielssens

    Precision Oncology Powered by AI: A New Era for Cancer Treatment

    Have you heard about radiotheranostics? This new field in medicine combines diagnosis and therapy. It involves using specially designed radioactive compounds that can both identify cancer cells and deliver targeted radiation therapy to destroy them. This is one of the latest developments of precision medicine, a domain that offers fascinating prospects in both early detection and specific treatment.
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  • Climate Action
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  • Climate Action
Research Paper, Climate Action, ESG, SRI, Alix Chosson

Net Zero Progress Report

We promised you transparency. For a comprehensive discussion of our efforts and results, see our [annual] Net Zero Progress Report 2024. We frequently say that it is not just the carbon target, but the path to that target which affects the damage along the way. In this spirit, we share with you along the way our milestones for the four pillars of our Net Zero strategy.
Climate Action, ESG, SRI, Equities, US elections

2024 US Elections and Climate Policy Impact

The impact of the 2024 elections on the decarbonization theme is of paramount importance, considering that the year marks a significant electoral period globally with 64 countries and the European Union - representing nearly half of the global population - heading to the polls.
ESG, SRI, Climate Action

Scope 3 emissions data: Handle with care

In the vast subject of the challenges and difficulties of climate analysis from an investor's point of view, scope 3 emissions emerge insistently as one of the main stumbling blocks.
Climate Action, ESG, SRI

COP28: Realistically optimistic?

COP28 ended with a final statement that can be considered historic, mentioning for the first time the need to transition away from fossil fuels. However, this landmark deal should be considered as the start of a more ambitious journey, that will remain dependent on governments’ ability to step up their commitments and action.
ESG, SRI, Climate Action

COP28: final countdown on climate ambitions

As the COP28 kicks off at the end of the month in Dubai, we are paying close attention to this highly anticipated event, albeit mixed expectations.
Alix Chosson, Marie Niemczyk, Climate Action, ESG, SRI

On the Green Brick Road to Net Zero: Candriam’s Climate Strategy

Our climate is changing faster and faster, bringing our world closer to disastrous social and economic consequences every year. We are reaching the tipping point on every planetary boundary, meaning that at the current pace, we will reach a point of no return in this decade, threatening the future of both our planet and mankind.

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