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Throughout the month of December, we invite you to join us in analysing the main issues and perspectives on ten key questions that will impact investing in 2025: European and transatlantic monetary policies, the breakdown of the German economic model, the slowdown in European real estate, artificial intelligence, the banking sector... there will be no lack of challenges and opportunities, it's up to us to seize them together!
  • Charudatta Shende, Nicolas Jullien, Fixed Income, US elections

    Ballots to Bonds

    Following the US election, what will the bond landscape look like around the world in the near term and the medium term? President-elect Trump should be able to implement much of his political agenda over the next few years. We think four themes stand out: Tariffs, Regulations, Tax Cuts, and Immigration. What we don’t yet know is the timing and the magnitude of these elements.
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  • Water
ESG, SRI, Vincent Compiègne, Water

Why Water Matters: Sovereign Sustainable Investing

China dominates the entire value chain for electric transport motors. The European Union has imposed provisional tariffs to protect its regional auto industry from ‘dumping’, or unfair pricing, of subsidized electric vehicle imports from China. Yet the EU is actively attempting to accelerate the uptake of EVs to meet its 2035 emissions targets.
Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Sovereign Sustainability, Vincent Compiègne, Kroum Sourov, Water

Water is more than just a resource

Climate change may be the greatest threat to sustainability, but water vulnerability is potentially the most urgent, likely to play out in a shorter time frame.
Astrid Pierard, Alix Chosson, ESG, SRI, Research Paper, Equities, Water

Water risks: How to build water-conscious investment strategies?

In a world grappling with escalating water issues, prioritizing water as a strategic business imperative has never been more critical. The operational and financial impacts of water-related risks have started materializing. Our conviction is that companies must consider and manage water as the long-term strategic and operational risk it can represent.
Q&A, Bastien Dublanc, David Czupryna, Water

Investing in water: a no-brainer for the future

Bastien Dublanc and David Czupryna, managers of Candriam's water investment strategy, explain why they invest in this theme, how they select their stocks, and what differentiates Candriam from other investment managers in this area.
Bastien Dublanc, Astrid Pierard, Jessica Carlier, ESG, SRI, Equities, Research Paper, Water

PFAS: Genius gone wrong

PFAS have been widely used for decades due to their unique properties in various domestic and industrial applications. They are resistant to water and virtually indestructible. They are also seen as the poison of the century. Where do we stand in terms of regulation? What are the PFAS-related risks? Where are the opportunities?
Research Paper, Bastien Dublanc, David Czupryna, Equities, Water

Water: How to address the looming water crisis?

Water sustains not only human existence but the entire ecosystem. As the global population burgeons and climate change intensifies, bringing extreme water incidents from floods to droughts, the fragile balance between water supply and demand is increasingly strained.

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