Research Papers

Bertrand Dardenne, Félix Schlang, Alternative Investments, Research Paper
As we enter 2025, the arrival of a new President in the White House is generating a great deal of uncertainty. Merger arbitrage (M&A) strategies are no exception to the question: What impact can we expect from the change of administration on this asset class ?

Research Paper, Alix Chosson, Elouan Heurard, Biodiversity
Biodiversity : ready to take up the challenge of biodiversity integration ?
Biodiversity challenges are multifaceted, involving intricate ecological, geographical, and social dimensions. Acknowledging this, Candriam’s biodiversity framework allows for a granular and effective approach of biodiversity integration.

Olivier Clapt, Asset Allocation, Research Paper
Capital Market Assumptions – Long-term return forecasts
Although navigating by the stars can seem brave and adventurous, we would not recommend it on financial markets. Better be equipped with a solid compass !

Q&A, Pierre Boyer
Money market strategies: when cash is king
Money market strategies aim to offer a low-risk and liquid way for
investors to generate higher returns than traditional savings
accounts. Pierre Boyer, Elodie Brun, and Benjamin Schoofs, portfolio
managers, share their insights on the asset class.

Q&A, Christopher Mey, Nikolay Menteshashvili
Unlocking opportunities: a guide to investing in emerging market corporate debt
In a constantly-evolving global environment, emerging markets present distinctive opportunities for investors looking to diversify and enhance their returns. Emerging market corporate bonds represent a $1trln+ asset class, combining robust fundamentals with strong return potential. Nikolay Menteshashvili and Christopher Mey, portfolio managers, explain in detail why this investment strategy deserves investors attention, how it may offer attractive risk-adjusted returns, and the key requirements for successfully navigating this complex yet promising universe.

Q&A, ESG, SRI, Kroum Sourov, Christopher Mey, Emerging Markets
Sustainable: an emerging market for emerging debt
Kroum Sourov and Christopher Mey, portfolio managers of the sustainable emerging market debt strategy, describe the significance this type of analysis can have for a bond portfolio. They explain Candriam’s investment process, with our emphasis on relative value and risk management. This approach is intended to allow the strategy to adapt the ever-changing markets over the course of an economic cycle.
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Sustainability Overview
Sustainability, and Responsibility, must be part of the personality and culture of the firm. We need Responsibility to be a part of ourselves in order to translate it into your investments.