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A lo largo del mes de diciembre, os invitamos a analizar juntos las principales temáticas y perspectivas sobre las diez cuestiones esenciales que afectarán a nuestras estrategias de inversión en 2025: políticas monetarias, transformación del modelo económico alemán, desaceleración del sector inmobiliario europeo, inteligencia artificial, sector bancario… Existen mucho retos y oportunidades.
ESG, SRI, US elections, Climate Action, Alix Chosson, Lucia Meloni, Rémi Savage
La reelección de Donald Trump como presidente número 47 de Estados Unidos ha suscitado preocupación por sus repercusiones en temas clave de sostenibilidad, especialmente la acción por el clima.
Charudatta Shende, Nicolas Jullien, Renta fija, US elections
Following the US election, what will the bond landscape look like around the world in the near term and the medium term? President-elect Trump should be able to implement much of his political agenda over the next few years. We think four themes stand out: Tariffs, Regulations, Tax Cuts, and Immigration. What we don’t yet know is the timing and the magnitude of these elements.
Although financial markets were already pricing a higher probability of a Donald Trump win coming into the US election, during November, asset prices were mainly driven by the election results.
The month of June was relatively noisy for markets, especially in Europe where geopolitical risk remains one of investors’ primary areas for concern. In the US, the latest macroeconomic data continues to indicate that the Fed might succeed in piloting the economy to a soft landing.
Risk appetite returned to markets after a cooling period during April. Economic indicators in western economies continue to point to a phase of deceleration across most economic powerhouses, but there is no evidence of severe recession looming. However, there is proof of increasing dispersion across financial assets returns and risk premia.