Olivier Clapt

Head of Multi-Asset Quantitative Research

Olivier Clapt has been head of Multi-Asset quantitative research at Candriam since 2019. Pior to that,  he was head of Quantitative Alternative Research since 2010, having joined Candriam in 1999 as a quantitative alternative management analyst. He began his career After leaving university he spent a year in front-office IT for Dresdner Kleinwort Benson Marchés.

Olivier holds an engineering degree in applied mathematics from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) in Rouen in France.

Discover the latest articles by Olivier Clapt

Research Paper, Activa-allocatie, Olivier Clapt

Vermogensallocatie: Tips voor behendigheid

Heb je je ooit afgevraagd wat je moet doen met de toewijzing van je portefeuille? onaangeroerd laten tijdens marktstijgingen en -dalingen, of herbalanceren? Wanneer precies? Wat is de juiste balans? Ons Quant-onderzoeksteam heeft de feiten duidelijk voor je op een rijtje gezet in deze studie.
Activa-allocatie, Olivier Clapt, Research Paper

Illiquid investments – But how much?

As 2022 opened, we all thought of Covid, war, oil prices, transient inflation... What do you see on the horizon now? Wheat supply crisis? Quantitative tightening? Sustained inflation?

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