Research Papers

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54 resultaten gevonden
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54 resultaten gevonden
Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Sovereign Sustainability, Vincent Compiègne, Kroum Sourov, Water

Water is meer dan alleen een hulpbron

Klimaatverandering is misschien wel de grootste bedreiging voor duurzaamheid, maar kwetsbaarheid op het gebied van water is mogelijk het meest urgent en zal waarschijnlijk op kortere termijn optreden.


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33 resultaten gevonden
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33 resultaten gevonden
Q&A, ESG, SRI, Kroum Sourov, Christopher Mey, Emerging Markets

Duurzaam: een opkomende markt voor opkomende schulden

Kroum Sourov en Christopher Mey, portefeuillebeheerders van de duurzame obligatiestrategie voor opkomende markten, beschrijven het belang dat dit type analyse kan hebben voor een obligatieportefeuille. Ze leggen het beleggingsproces van Candriam uit, met onze nadruk op relatieve waarde en risicobeheer. Deze aanpak is bedoeld om de strategie aan te passen aan de steeds veranderende markten in de loop van een conomische cyclus.
Q&A, Bastien Dublanc, David Czupryna, Water, ESG, SRI

Investeren in water: een no-brainer voor de toekomst

Bastien Dublanc en David Czupryna, de managers die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de waterbeleggingsstrategie van Candriam, leggen uit waarom ze in dit thema beleggen, hoe ze hun aandelen selecteren en wat Candriam onderscheidt van andere beheermaatschappijen op dit gebied.
Q&A, Vastrentende effecten, Credit, Nicolas Jullien

Een alternatieve strategie met een lage correlatie met kredietmarkten

Ontdek hoe Candriam, met haar alternatieve strategie met lage correlatie, de kredietmarkten navigeert in deze paradigmaverschuivende tijden. Nicolas Jullien, CFA, Head of High Yield & Credit Arbitrage en Thomas Joret, Senior Fund Manager, geven je de essentiële informatie die je nodig hebt om deze strategie te begrijpen.

SRI Publicaties

Engagement and Voting activities

Candriam Engagement Policy

The Investment Stewardship concept calls on investors to use all means at their disposal to create: long-term value for their clients and beneficiaries & sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society.

Candriam Proxy Voting Policy

As a Responsible investor, Candriam pays particular attention to the corporate governance policies, structures and practices of the companies in which it invests on behalf of its customers and the funds under management.

Predeclaration of Voting Intentions

Starting from 2022, Candriam decided to pre-announce some of its voting intentions ahead of the related general meetings when such pre-declaration may answer to stakehoders’ demand of improved transparency, serve an engagement objective or as an escalation measure.

Details of votes

Voting Dashboard since 2020

Mid-Year Voting Report 2024

The first six months of 2024 have been eventful.

2023 Annual Engagement & Voting Report

As Active Investors, Engagement and Voting are at the centre of our investing and our stewardship. We work in partnership with our investees, as we believe in issuers’ capacity to achieve sustainable performance.

2023 Annual Engagement Statistics

Since 2015, our three Conviction topics have been Energy Transition, Fair Work Conditions and Business Ethics. Our engagement framework is evergreen, but the specifics are ever-changing.

2023 Annual Voting Statistics

In 2023, we began to pre-declare our voting intentions. This provides transparency to our stakeholders and may also provide a means of escalation.

2023 Details of direct dialogues

Mid-Year Voting Report 2023

While for the most part, the 2023 proxy season unfolded as expected, we did witness a few surprises.

2022 Annual Engagement & Voting Report

At Candriam, we define engagement as interactions we have on ESG issues, not only with current or potential investees but also with entities which, through their competence and/ or authorities, are able to initiate or influence change in the regulatory or market frameworks involving ESG aspects.

2022 Details of direct dialogues

2021 Details of direct dialogues

2020 Details of direct dialogues

Key voting takeaways in 2021

Having passed the mid-year point, we are able to discern some major trends emerging from the 2021 voting season.

Lessons from the 2020 Voting Season

All around the world, there have been significant delays and cancellations of annual general meetings (AGMs) during the early stages of the pandemic, leading to audit process failures in Asian markets and other challenges. However, this did not stop some of the emerging voting trends, such as climate-related resolutions, which featured prominently at a number of important meetings.

2019 Engagement report

The year 2019 was rich and eventful, spanning a complex list of topics. This summary focuses on our three Conviction Topics, which together accounted for more than two-thirds of our total direct issuer dialogues. These same three topics, Energy Transition, Fair Working Conditions, and Business Ethics, have marked our efforts over the last five years, and will be the stepping stones to 2020 and beyond.

2018 Engagement report

Integrating ESG factors into the financial analysis of companies, engaging in constructive dialogue with them to encourage best practices and exercising the shareholder vote should be the norm for any committed investor for whom ESG is more than just three letters. At Candriam, these three actions have been a reality in our daily lives as investors for nearly 20 years.

Case Studies

2024 Case Study – Active Engagement: Costa Rica

Sovereign engagement is rare, and direct engagement even more so. Not only is access difficult to obtain, but great care must be taken to avoid even the appearance of lobbying or interfering. This case describes a successful engagement with government representatives, IMF officials, and others which improved our understanding of a material event.

2024 Case Study – Human Capital Management in European Small and Mid-sized Companies: Analysing the Data

Despite constraints on both their human and financial capital, Small- and Mid-Sized companies (SMIDs) share similar business ambitions with their larger counterparts while competing for the same talent. They need talent to fuel their growth, yet that rapid growth can strain employees. Attracting and retaining talent, while simultaneously maintaining workforce productivity, poses a challenge.

2023 Case Study – Active Engagement: Unilever

Hoewel Unilever al een voorbeeld was van 'Best Practice' op het gebied van voedingstransparantie, vindt een werkgroep van investeerders dat de hele voedingsindustrie het beter moet doen. En goed nieuws! Toen Unilever de lat hoger legde, volgden andere grote voedingsproducenten snel om de nieuwe, sterkere best practices over te nemen.

2023 Case Study –Teleperformance: Engagement Update

Teleperformance werd van oudsher omarmd door de duurzame gemeenschap, met een reputatie van begrip voor het belang van het welzijn van werknemers. Het bedrijf ontvangt prijzen voor de tevredenheid van werknemers, en neemt het welzijn van werknemers op als een factor in de beloning van het management.

2022 Case Study – Active Engagement: Post-Covid Engagement Takeaways

Die Pandemie hat die Spielregeln sowohl auf individueller als auch auf kollektiver Ebene verändert. Sie wirkte sich aus vielen verschiedenen Perspektiven auf die Weltwirtschaft aus. Sie führte nicht nur zu einer kurzfristigen finanziellen Belastung, sondern zwang auch mehrere Unternehmen dazu, ihre langfristigen Strategien zu überdenken.

2022 Case study - Active Engagement: Kingspan

Kingspan Group is een in Ierland gevestigd bedrijf dat oplossingen biedt op het gebied van isolatie en gebouwschil, en oplossingen voor de gebouwschil. Het bedrijf heeft vijf divisies, waarvan de productie van isolatieproducten meer dan 80% uitmaakt.

2022 Collaborative Initiative - Active Engagement: Investor Engagement on Human Rights Risks of Facial Recognition Technology

Overheden, wetshandhavingsinstanties en bedrijven haasten zich om gezichtsherkenningstechnologie (FRT) in te voeren in de hoop de veiligheid te verhogen en de efficiëntie en klantervaring te verbeteren.

2022 Case Study – Active Engagement: Small and Mid-Cap Companies: Human Capital Management

SMID-bedrijven hebben minder middelen dan hun collega's met een groot kapitaal, maar groeien vaak sneller. We passen onze ervaring in Engagement-campagnes toe op de speciale situaties van deze bedrijven, te beginnen met hun behoefte om werknemers te werven, te trainen en te behouden, terwijl ze moeten concurreren met grotere bedrijven voor dezelfde werknemers.

2021 Case Study – Active Engagement: Access to medicines, or how equality has become a central issue for pharma businesses

De gezondheidscrisis heeft in Europa meer dan 900 000 doden geëist1. Maar ze heeft ook de enorme innovatiedrang van de gezondheidssector geïllustreerd bij het zoeken naar oplossingen voor de pandemie. Candriam wil met haar investeringen in de gezondheidssector de meest innovatieve bedrijven identificeren die in staat zijn om de oplossingen van morgen te ontdekken en te produceren.

2021 Case Study – Active Engagement: Financial Institutions Climate Change Survey

De impact van klimaatverandering op de financiële sector loopt nu al in de miljarden, alleen al voor extreme weersomstandigheden. Voeg daar nog andere elementen aan toe, zoals kredietrisico's voor banken, en vertragingen in de aanpak van klimaatverandering kunnen financiële bedrijven de komende 15 jaar tot 1,2 biljoen dollar kosten.

2020 Case Study – Active Engagement: Collective Efforts: the Workforce Disclosure Initiative

De Covid-crisis heeft de 'S' in ESG opnieuw onder de aandacht gebracht. Beleggers hebben meer transparantie nodig om niet alleen de stakeholder van werknemers te analyseren, maar ook de flexibiliteit en paraatheid van bedrijven in crisissituaties zoals Covid.

2020 Case Study – Active Engagement: Teleperformance SE

Teleperformance is een wereldwijde leider in digitaal geïntegreerde zakelijke diensten, waaronder callcenters of webplatforms, met werknemers in 80 landen. Als dienstverlenend bedrijf wordt het gedreven door mensen en is het in 40 jaar gegroeid naar 330.000 werknemers en € 5 miljard aan inkomsten. Het hoofdkantoor is gevestigd in Frankrijk, de grootste vestigingen bevinden zich in EMEA, India, de Filippijnen, de Verenigde Staten, Mexico, Colombia en Brazilië.

2020 Case Study – Active Engagement: BHP

Van alle industrieën is de metaal- en mijnbouwsector verantwoordelijk voor een groot deel van de door de mens veroorzaakte broeikasgasemissies in Australië en wereldwijd; niet alleen direct, maar vooral door het eindgebruik van zijn producten na extractie en verkoop. BHP is een van de grootste mijnbouwconglomeraten ter wereld en een van de grootste bedrijven van Australië.

Sovereign Sustainability

Sovereign Sustainability: Rising Water Pressure

In this fifth edition of our Sovereign Sustainability results, we once again call on the sub-scores to examine a particular issue across the more than 120 countries we analyse. In previous editions, we have examined the interaction between climate goals and deforestation, climate goals and housing, and rule of law and US elections. With 50% of the citizens around the world going to the polls this year, we assure you that we are incorporating many of the governance elements of our model in our investment and risk analyses.

Candriam Policies

Candriam Exclusion Policy

This controversial activity policy is the concrete expression of Candriam’s sustainability leadership. It defines which activities, due to their widely recognised ethical and economic unsustainability, are to be excluded from Candriam’s investment portfolios across asset classes. Candriam recognises the important role that asset managers play in tackling major global issues, such as health and climate change, and strives to be at the forefront of sustainability by advancing its policies and practices.

Candriam Climate Strategy

Our climate is changing faster and faster, bringing our world closer to disastrous social and economic consequences every year. We are reaching the tipping point on every planetary boundary, meaning that at the current pace, we will reach a point of no return in this decade, threatening the future of both our planet and mankind.

Candriam Sustainable Integration Policy

Financial markets play a pivotal role in the financing of companies’ activities to support economic growth and foster innovation. However, economic development and growth should be sustainable in the long run benefiting everyone across generations. In 2015, both the COP21 Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) clearly articulated the need to shift the emphasis from measuring economic growth to appraising and incentivizing sustainable economic development for all.

Candriam Sustainable Investment Policy

Sustainability is rooted in Candriam's operating model and forms a key part of our corporate culture. Candriam’s sustainable development strategy leads us to incorporate sustainability trends shaping the world of tomorrow within the process of defining our firm’s strategic orientations. Our philosophy is to establish and maintain a balance between responsible behaviour towards all stakeholders and the pursuit of sustainable financial performance.

Candriam Mensenrechtenbeleid

Wij geloven dat het respecteren en handhaven van de mensenrechten deel uitmaakt van onze bedrijfsverantwoordelijkheid, als werkgever, bij onze activiteiten en als vermogensbeheerder aan wie beleggers hun portefeuilles toevertrouwen. Wij ondersteunen de principes die zijn vastgelegd in belangrijke internationale verdragen en normen die de leidraad vormen voor ons Mensenrechtenbeleid, dat van toepassing is op alle medewerkers en belanghebbenden van Candriam, voor alle activiteiten en beleggingsactiviteiten van de onderneming.

Candriam Climate Policy

Climate change is one of the most urgent and important challenges that society and investors are facing today.

CSR Report

Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Driving progress for people and the planet

The current global economic and geopolitical landscape remains as uncertain as ever. While the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic are fading into memory, the Russia-Ukraine war tragically continues and new conflicts have emerged in the Middle East. Even the stabilisation of leading economies and the retreat of inflation, though positive, leave many uncertainties about the next phase of global development. Additionally, the signs of destructive climate change continue to mount.

Stewardship Report

Stewardship, a term often used when speaking of Voting and Engagement, includes those functions but is really an end-to-end process of responsibility, from establishing good governance at the top, all the way to delivering and safeguarding the investments which meet our clients’ needs. This report draws on all the specialty topics we report on – our philosophy and approach, investment process Transparency Codes, Voting, Corporate Social Responsibility, and how we determine client needs.

Guide to sustainable investing

Dispelling the five common myths

Dispelling some common myths of sustainable investing. True or false: sustainable strategies underperform? Let’s put an end to overcoming misconceptions of sustainable investing!

Emerging market companies hold the key to our climate future

In 2015, the year of the COPS21 conference in Paris, the global level of CO2 emissions reached 35.21 billion tons. In December that year, the Paris Agreement was signed, setting out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial levels.

European Taxonomy

We welcome the European Taxonomy, a guide to help drive sustainable investements and green the financial sector. Find out more about how the taxonomy can be implemented in our whitepaper.

Navigating the alphabet soup

In this paper, we want to demystify the terminology and abbreviations so that you can understand the benefits of sustainable investing without being overwhelmed by jargon and acronyms.

Positive and negative approaches

Positive and negative approaches in Sustainable Investing: better understand them to align your investments with values and create outperformance through ESG.

The three most common questions on the new EU regulation

If you feel a bit lost faced with all the obscure acronyms that seem to be taking over the ESG debate these days, don’t worry, you are not alone in that situation. We have created this series of short briefing notes to provide you, as an investor, with the essential things you need to know to understand how what some have dubbed a “regulatory tsunami” will impact you and what you need to do next.

Does ESG Do What it Says? The New SFDR Requirements

Are 'Sustainable' investments truly sustainable? What Environmental, Social, and Governance factors are actually included in your investment? Does your investment really do what it says on the label? David Czupryna's overview of the new EU requirements concludes they are likely to clarify the situation, while the lingo may be a lot to learn.

Voting & Engagement: Pijlers van duurzaam beleggen

Stemmen en engagement: Duurzaamheid zonder rentmeesterschap bestaat niet

Candriam ESG promotion & influence guiding principles

Guiding principles on ESG Promotion & Influence 2021

The Global Strategic Committee monitors the association membership and decides who represents Candriam within those associations. The principle is that ESG experts actively and regularly participate to RI working groups within industry associations and associations with an ESG purpose. Leading roles are also supported.

Guiding principles on ESG Promotion & Influence 2020

Candriam is committed to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). This commitment is reflected in all of Candriam ’s activities as well as promoted in our relations with our stakeholders including the associations Candriam is member of.

Principles for Responsible Investment

Private Assessment Report

The Assessment Report is an export of the scores for all the assessed indicators and modules you responded to in the PRI Reporting Framework during the 2023 reporting period.

Public Transparency Report

This public Transparency Report is an export of the signatory’s responses to the PRI Reporting Framework during the 2023 reporting period. It includes the signatory’s responses to core indicators, as well as responses to plus indicators that the signatory has agreed to make public.

Transparency Code 

U vindt de Transparency Codes op de pagina's van de fondsen.


Duurzaamheid en verantwoordelijkheid moeten deel uitmaken van de persoonlijkheid en de cultuur van de onderneming. We hebben Verantwoordelijkheid nodig om het te vertalen naar uw beleggingen.

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