As December was bringing to an end another challenging year on financial markets, our CIO Nicolas Forest and Candriam investment experts observed the tradition and took some time to reflect on the past events and future potential opportunities. Portfolio managers, economists and analysts put their thoughts on paper and shared ten pieces on the themes which they believe will shape 2024:
- Monetary policy: are we finally heading towards a more “normal” yield curve?
- How to make the most of high rates in a Fixed income portfolio?
- Equities: What about corporate margins and profits?
- Should we worry about Public deficits in the Eurozone?
- Where do we stand on financing the Energy transition?
- Are Real estate markets up for a warmer season?
- Emerging markets: discover the new rising stars!
- Is the Healthcare sector still a defensive play?
- US election year: what economic consequences in case of a Biden-Trump duel?
- Asset allocation: what portfolio to enter 2024?
Want to have an overall view, or a closer look at one of them? Here they are gathered in a single document.