Aktuelle Markteinblicke

  • Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Anleihen, Dany da Fonseca, Vincent Compiègne, Patrick Zeenni

    Jenseits der Green Bonds

    Die europäische Offenlegungsverordnung stellt für Euro-Anleihen mit Investment-Grade-Rating (CSRD, SFDR und ein EU-Green-Bond-Label) eine große Herausforderung dar. Unserer Meinung nach wird dies das Interesse an Nachhaltigkeit erhöhen, aber auch die Notwendigkeit einer sorgfältigen fundamentalen Bonitätsanalyse, einer detaillierten Risikobewertung und einem aktiven Management von IG-Bond-Strategien steigern. Glauben Sie, dass Sie bereit sind?
  • Asset Allocation, Nadège Dufossé

    Ist die Volatilität im Sommer unvermeidlich?

    Der MSCI World (Index der Industrieländer) erreichte Mitte Juli sein Allzeithoch, nachdem er seit seinem Tiefstand Ende Oktober 2023 fast ununterbrochen um 33 % gestiegen war. Erst eine Korrektur von rund 5 % im April 2024 ermöglichte es einigen aufmerksamen Anlegern, auf den Zug aufzuspringen, wenn sie dies seit dem letzten Quartal des vergangenen Jahres nicht mehr getan hatten.
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  • Alternative Investments
Alternative Investments

The wood for the trees

The month of June was relatively noisy for markets, especially in Europe where geopolitical risk remains one of investors’ primary areas for concern. In the US, the latest macroeconomic data continues to indicate that the Fed might succeed in piloting the economy to a soft landing.
Alternative Investments

Increasing market dispersion is a tailwind for alternatives

Risk appetite returned to markets after a cooling period during April. Economic indicators in western economies continue to point to a phase of deceleration across most economic powerhouses, but there is no evidence of severe recession looming. However, there is proof of increasing dispersion across financial assets returns and risk premia.
Alternative Investments

Shift to risk-off

After five months of gains, equities finished down in April in a relatively volatile market. Although the EPS beat/raise has been high, markets focused more on top-down factors than micro news-flow.
Alternative Investments

Strong alpha generation across alternative strategies

Markets held up well during March, supported by robust economic indicators coming from the US, manufacturing and services PMIs improving in China and an increasingly dovish stance from the ECB.
Alternative Investments

“Should I stay or should I go”

Since the market has incorporated the fact that there would be fewer rate cuts by the Federal Reserve and they would probably come later than expected at the end of 2023, core equity indices have continued to perform well in Northern America and Western Europe.
Fabrice Sauzeau, Alternative Investments, Anleihen, Private Debt, Research Paper, Real Estate

Real Estate Private Debt: Time to Act?

Has commercial real estate reached its inflection point? With little transaction activity, price and index data are generated with a lag. Market prices can change much more rapidly than they can be aggregated and reported. Investors must rely on fundamental analysis and experience more than data to time the recovery.


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