Florence Pisani, PhD

Florence Pisani, PhD

Chief Economist, Member of the Executive Committee

Florence Pisani is the Chief Economist at Candriam. She joined Candriam in 2002, becoming Global Head of Economic Research in 2016. She also teaches at the University of Paris Dauphine.  

Florence is the co-author several books with colleagues Anton Brender and Emile Gagna. The most recent, The Macroeconomics of Debt, Europe’s Blind Spot (2021), examined public borrowing and growth in a low-interest-rate world. Others include The American Economy : A European View (2018); Money, Finance and the Real Economy: What Went Wrong? (2015), and The Sovereign Debt Crisis: Placing a Curb on Growth (2012). Prior to joining Candriam, she was a macroeconomist at the French investment bank CPR Gestion. 

Dr. Pisani holds a PhD in Economics from University of Paris Dauphine. 

Discover the latest articles by Florence Pisani, PhD

Artikel, Outlook 2023, Aandelen, Macro, Vastrentende effecten, Nadège Dufossé, Florence Pisani

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