Últimas novedades

A lo largo del mes de diciembre, os invitamos a analizar juntos las principales temáticas y perspectivas sobre las diez cuestiones esenciales que afectarán a nuestras estrategias de inversión en 2025: políticas monetarias, transformación del modelo económico alemán, desaceleración del sector inmobiliario europeo, inteligencia artificial, sector bancario… Existen mucho retos y oportunidades.
  • Charudatta Shende, Nicolas Jullien, Fixed Income, US elections

    Ballots to Bonds

    Following the US election, what will the bond landscape look like around the world in the near term and the medium term? President-elect Trump should be able to implement much of his political agenda over the next few years. We think four themes stand out: Tariffs, Regulations, Tax Cuts, and Immigration. What we don’t yet know is the timing and the magnitude of these elements.
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