
Paulo Salazar

Head of Emerging Markets Equity

Head of Emerging Markets Equities since 2022 and Co-Head from 2021 to 2022, Paulo Salazar has been with Candriam's EM Equities Team since 2015, as both a Portfolio Manager and a Senior Equity Research Analyst.

Prior to joining Candriam, Paulo worked as a private equity associate at The Riverside Company and as an equity research analyst at firms including Equitas and Banco Itaú. He has been involved in the financial markets since 2006, covering several industries in Latin America, the US, and elsewhere.

Paulo earned his BBA in Corporate Finance and Financial Markets from FGV-EAESP in Sao Paulo and studied Finance in University of California, Berkeley.

Discover the latest articles by Paulo Salazar

Outlook 2025, Christopher Mey, Paulo Salazar

Is China echt beter voorbereid op Trump 2.0?

Met de terugkeer van Donald Trump in het Witte Huis kunnen de spanningen tussen de VS en China weer oplopen. Zijn regering zal naar verwachting opnieuw tarieven en handelsbeperkingen invoeren als onderdeel van een "America First"-agenda, waardoor de toch al worstelende Chinese economie onder druk komt te staan.