About this author

Johan Van der Biest

Co-Head of Thematic Global Equity

Johan Van der Biest has been Co-Head of Thematic Global Equity since 2023 and Deputy Head since 2020, where he is closely involved in the launch of all new thematic strategies. In his continuing role as a lead portfolio manager on several strategies, he has been managing technology portfolios at Candriam and our predecessor companies since 1992, including robotics, metaverse, and other innovative technologies. In addition to his long expertise in technology investing, he brings a breadth of financial markets understanding to his portfolios. Over the years, Johan has managed or co-managed numerous processes, including equity, bond, and global balanced portfolios.  

Johan holds a degree in Commercial Engineering and a specialisation in Finance from the Catholic University of Louvain (KUL). 

Discover the latest articles by Johan Van der Biest

Q&A, Future Mobility, Johan Van der Biest, Allan Foll, Azioni

Più pulito, più sicuro, più intelligente

Sempre più investitori si rivolgono a strategie tematiche per aumentare la loro diversificazione complessiva. Johan Van Der Biest, co-responsabile di Thematic Global Equity, e Allan Foll, gestore del fondo, spiegano che le capacità di investimento tematico combinate con una solida analisi finanziaria sono un prerequisito per identificare società high-tech con un forte potenziale di crescita a prezzi ragionevoli.
Q&A, Johan Van der Biest

Sci-fi becomes a reality

Johan Van Der Biest, Gestore di fondi senior e Felix Demaeght, CFA, Co-gestore di fondi, spiegano cos’è il metaverso e come identificano le società collegate a questo universo.
Q&A, Johan Van der Biest, Azioni

Robotica : Non è più fantascienza

Johan Van Der Biest, Co-Head of Thematic Global Equity, Felix Demaeght, CFA, Co-Portfolio Manager, e Nathaniel Wejchert, Portfolio Manager, spiegano che capacità nell’investimento tematico combinate con una robusta analisi finanziaria possono permettere di individuare tecnologie all’avanguardia a prezzi ragionevoli.
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