About this author

Philippe Noyard

Global Head of Fixed Income, Member of the Executive Committee

He joined Candriam in 1989 and has over 35 years of experience in the bond and credit markets. Previously, he was a portfolio manager at Neuflize Schlumberger Mallet in France.

He holds a Master’s degree in Economics and Finance, and received the Specialized Master in Finance and Wealth Management from the University of Economy in Clermont-Ferrand, France.


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Q&A, Philippe Noyard, Patrick Zeenni, Nicolas Jullien, Obbligazioni

Un credito long/ short con un bias long

Continuiamo a scoprire opportunità interessanti nell’universo delle obbligazioni corporate. Philippe Noyard, Global Head of Fixed Income presso Candriam, Patrick Zeenni, CFA, Head of Investment Grade & Credit Arbitrage, e Nicolas Jullien, CFA, Head of High Yield & Credit Arbitrage, spiegano come il loro approccio mira a ottimizzare il potenziale del mercato del credito con l’obiettivo di generare rendimenti.
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