
Sylvain De Bus

Deputy Head of Global Bonds

Sylvain De Bus has been Deputy Head of Global Bonds in 2019. He joined Candriam in 2001 as a fund manager first in the private clients team, moving to the fixed income team that same year and rising to senior asset manager in 2006, and Head of Euro Bonds in 2017.

He began his career in 2000 at JP Morgan in 2000, later joining Artesia Bankding Corporation in private and personal banking.

Sylvain holds a masters degree in Applied Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium.

Discover the latest articles by Sylvain De Bus

Q&A, Philippe Dehoux, Sylvain De Bus, Pierre Boyer

Scopri il potenziale delle obbligazioni a breve termine e uno specifico approccio sostenibile

Philippe Dehoux, Responsabile Global Bonds di Candriam e lead manager della nostra strategia Sustainable Euro Short Term Fixed Income, Sylvain de Bus, Vice Responsabile Global Bonds e co- manager, e Pierre Boyer, Responsabile Money Markets & Short Term e co- manager, discutono di come le obbligazioni a breve termine, associate ai criteri di selezione ESG, possono consentire di sfruttare al massimo le opportunità offerte dal mercato obbligazionario europeo nell’attuale contesto volatile.
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