Wim Van Hyfte
About this author

Wim Van Hyfte

Global Head of Responsible ESG Research & Investments, Member of the Executive Committee

Wim Van Hyfte, Ph.D, has been Global Head of ESG Investments and Research at Candriam since 2016. He is responsible for research on environmental, social and governance issues, the implications for and the integration into portfolio and risk management across assets. 

Before, he was senior fund manager-quantitative analyst at Candriam conducting empirical research on asset pricing, the quantitative modeling of alpha/risk, the integration of ESG factors and portfolio optimization. He co-managed over $5 billion in global ESG quant equity funds and segregated accounts for nearly 10 years. He joined Candriam in 2006 after having worked in the academic world for over 8 years. 

He lectures on Sustainable Finance at business schools and universities. He was Visiting Professor at ULB Solvay School of Economics and Management from 2012 until 2020 teaching on Asset Pricing in an advance master in quantitative finance. From 2006 until 2012, he was Visiting Professor at Vlerick Business School teaching on portfolio management in an MBA program. From 2000 until 2001, he was consultant for a Belgian pension fund and a venture capital fund. 

He holds a PhD in Financial Economics, an MBA in Finance and a Master’s degree in Applied Economics. His academic research covers both empirical and corporate finance with a focus on asset pricing, risk modeling and portfolio management. His work has been presented at international academic conferences and published in peer-reviewed international academic journals. 

Discover the latest articles by Wim Van Hyfte, PhD

ESG, SRI, Kroum Sourov, Sovereign Sustainability, Research Paper, Wim Van Hyfte

La sostenibilità nell'era del cigno grigio

Il cigno grigio è un evento possibile e noto, potenzialmente di estrema importanza, ma il cui verificarsi è considerato improbabile.
Q&A, Wim Van Hyfte, Paulo Salazar

I mercati emergenti possono essere sostenibili?

Metodologie innovative sono necessarie per applicare l’approccio ESG (criteri ambientali, sociali e di governance) ai mercati emergenti, spiegano Wim Van Hyfte, Ph.D., Global Head of Responsible Investments and Research, Paulo Salazar, Head of Emerging Markets Equities, e Lamine Saidi, Senior Fund Manager.
ESG, SRI, Wim Van Hyfte

La produzione di armi non è sostenibile. Senza se e senza ma.

Da molti anni, e con il progressivo affermarsi dell'investimento ESG, gli investitori escludono il settore della difesa dai loro investimenti a causa della natura negativa degli armamenti, che spesso sono serviti a violare i diritti umani e hanno portato a effetti devastanti sulle vite umane e sul benessere generale della società.
Research Paper, Sovereign Sustainability, Kroum Sourov, ESG, SRI, Wim Van Hyfte

Il nuovo modello di sostenibilità sovrana

Dare un prezzo alla sostenibilità sovrana ; In ambito finanziario esiste già una comunità dedita a offrire valore aggiunto agli investitori, cercando al contempo di cambiare il mondo, obiettivo che va a vantaggio non solo della nostra generazione ma anche della prossima.
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