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Sapevi che la parola “giungla” deriva dalla parola sanscrita Jaṅgala, che significa “aspro” e “arido”? Ebbene, il settore del reddito fisso è decisamente l'opposto, una giungla lussureggiante dominata dalla chioma degli alberi, ovvero dai rating AAA e AA, che ricopre un sottobosco con rating investment grade da A a BBB, fino al suolo della foresta, con rating high yield BB e inferiori.
  • US elections, Asset Allocation, Macro, Florence Pisani, Emile Gagna

    Trump’s Economic Policy

    The election of Donald Trump, coupled with the Republican Party's control of both houses of Congress, has resulted in a new political landscape in the United States. What key decisions must the new administration make? What impact will these decisions have on the macroeconomic environment, financial markets and investors?
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Asset Allocation, Emerging Markets Equities

Update on China Stimulus: A Game Changer?

Before the measures recently announced, China was confronted with significant deflationary forces and was struggling to meet its 5% GDP growth target. Youth unemployment rate reached 24%, consumer confidence has been at rock bottom levels for years, household consumption has remained well below pre-pandemic trends and the real estate market has been falling for four years.

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