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Beyond the Green Bond?

Research Paper, ESG, SRI, Fixed Income, Dany da Fonseca, Vincent Compiègne, Patrick Zeenni
Ready for change?
  • Astrid Pierard, Alix Chosson, ESG, SRI, Water

    Mastering the flow of water risks… A guide for investors

    Les précipitations extrêmes et les sécheresses étant de plus en plus fréquentes, près de la moitié de la population mondiale est aujourd'hui confrontée à une grave pénurie d'eau pendant au moins une partie de l'année, selon les Nations unies.
  • Bastien Dublanc, Jessica Carlier, Astrid Pierard, Water, ESG, SRI

    Forever chemicals… forever pollution?

    Public awareness has risen on the risks posed by PFAS on health and on the environment. Business-wise, companies are facing increasing regulatory and market risks. Investors however should also be open to the potential opportunities offered by the PFAS market.
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