

When you purchase shares in a company, you become a co-owner. That means that you help, inter alia, finance its growth, any new product lines and its expansion on new markets.

Question is: what are the ideal investment schemes for you? No easy ask, with over 40 000 companies listed globally!

Candriam offers to avail you of its expertise and convictions to select the companies that will help you make the most of your savings.

25 years’ experience


Equities, thanks to their high potential for long-term performance1, are an essential component of any diversified investment portfolio. Candriam’s widespread, actively managed, range of equity solutions derives from:

  • Stable teams
    Our experts have been working together for several years now, some for decades! Such durability, driving the exchange and sharing of ideas, creates innovative strategies designed to deliver positive returns over the long term.
  • Broad range of innovative strategies
    In addition to offering active exposure to all global markets, we have developed strong expertise in tailor-made solutions.
  • Conviction-based research
    Candriam strategies are strongly conviction-based, created after rigorous in-house analysis.
  • Global expertise in responsible investment
    Since 1996, we have developed one of the largest ranges of ESG solutions on the European continent, supported by a research team with unparalleled knowledge of the industry.


bn euros


managers and analysts 


years’ expertise in equity management

Figures as at 30 June 2023. Source: Candriam

Our equity-market investment solutions


Our managers identify promising mega-trends that they convert into investment strategies that they then manage by means of solid scientific expertise and a deep-seated knowledge of the industries in question.

  • Biotechnology strategies, in oncology and healthcare: to capture the medical sector’s long-term potential and meet the needs of the sick and of ageing populations.
  • Robotic and Innovative Technology strategy: to benefit from the dynamic of disruptive technologies such as the very latest robotics technologies, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, virtual reality and Big Data.
  • Demographic strategy: for companies exposed to the consequences of long-term demographic trends.
  • Premium brands strategy: to benefit from the power and international attractiveness of leading brands.
  • Climate strategy: to support companies innovating in the fight against global warming.


The European corporate universe is an "ESG Eldorado", where what interests us is quality and companies that, in our eyes, offer clear and sustainable competitive advantages.

  • Dynamic strategies: to take advantage of the innovation dynamic of the European business fabric, irrespective of market capitalisation.
  • Low-volatility strategies: for handling market fluctuations and adapting the portfolio risk level accordingly.
  • Sustainable strategies: for ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) weighting factors to be a determinant element in stock-picking.


We launched our very first emerging market equity fund in 1994, well before EM investment became standard practice.

  • Global and regional strategies: our strategies apply comprehensive fundamental analysis and a conviction approach that highlight companies’ intrinsic qualities and sustainable growth potential. In the sustainable version, these processes are followed by Candriam’s ESG analysis.


The models we’ve been developing for 15 years now are designed to optimise portfolio returns using complementary performance factors.

Our multi-criteria quantitative strategies, a sustainable version of which is also available, and which cover all global markets, can be customised to user expectations.

Find out more about Candriam Funds

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