When you purchase shares in a company, you become a co-owner. That means that you help, inter alia, finance its growth, any new product lines and its expansion on new markets.
Question is: what are the ideal investment schemes for you? No easy ask, with over 40 000 companies listed globally!
Candriam offers to avail you of its expertise and convictions to select the companies that will help you make the most of your savings.
Equities, thanks to their high potential for long-term performance1, are an essential component of any diversified investment portfolio. Candriam’s widespread, actively managed, range of equity solutions derives from:
bn euros
managers and analysts
years’ expertise in equity management
Figures as at 30 June 2023. Source: Candriam
Our managers identify promising mega-trends that they convert into investment strategies that they then manage by means of solid scientific expertise and a deep-seated knowledge of the industries in question.
The European corporate universe is an "ESG Eldorado", where what interests us is quality and companies that, in our eyes, offer clear and sustainable competitive advantages.
We launched our very first emerging market equity fund in 1994, well before EM investment became standard practice.
The models we’ve been developing for 15 years now are designed to optimise portfolio returns using complementary performance factors.
Our multi-criteria quantitative strategies, a sustainable version of which is also available, and which cover all global markets, can be customised to user expectations.
Find out more about Candriam Funds
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The strongly active form of investment management implemented by Candriam aims at consistently delivering risk-adjusted performance across market cycles.
Our global investment approach is based on two main pillars: in-house research we constantly seek to enhance, as well as a process of investment and solid portfolio construction, based on a framework of rigorous risk management.
Our extremely stable investment teams – average seniority at Candriam: 11 years – make and keep our investment processes consistent and sustainable.