Responsible Investment

Responsible investment derives from an analysis of companies from an extra-financial point of view: the manager does not only take into account just that company’s bottom line or its earnings-growth outlook. They include in their analysis a series of other elements such as environmental impact, the company’s treatment of its staff and corporate governance.

These criteria, which the manager adds to their analysis or which determine purely and simply the investment decision, are summarised in three letters known to all and sundry even beyond the investment world: E, S and G.

E: Environment

Environmental criteria look at the way in which companies take into account their impact on the planet, which they seek to minimise to the greatest extent possible. For example:

  • Climate change
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Resource depletion (including water)
  • Waste management and pollution
  • Deforestation

S : Social

Social criteria look at the way in which companies manage their relationship with their staff, suppliers, clients and the wider communities within which they do business.

  • Working conditions, including human trafficking and child labour
  • Local communities, especially those housing native populations
  • War zones
  • Health & safety
  • Staff relations, diversity

G: Governance

Governance criteria focus on company management, directors’ remuneration, internal audits and controls, and shareholders’ rights.

  • Directors’ remuneration
  • Corruption
  • Lobbying and donations
  • Diversity and the structure of the board of directors
  • Fiscal policy

Sustainable impact

We firmly believe that investments only perform sustainably when investors integrate the opportunities presented by the major sustainable development challenges, and the risks these entail for companies.

Our approach is firmly entrenched in the framework drawn up in 2015 by the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which lays out key factors to be taken into account by the financial community to alleviate poverty and inequalities while combating climate change and environmental deterioration.

Our goal: offer investors cutting-edge sustainable investment solutions by integrating ESG knowledge into all major asset classes on a global scale.


With its 30 experts, our dedicated sustainable investment team is one of the continent’s biggest. Our independent ESG research team, which works alongside our management teams, avails you of even greater added value and innovation. Our ongoing investment in ESG research guarantees you further opportunities and a greater appreciation of the long-term risks.

Our research seeks to:

  • identify, on an ongoing basis, leading, pioneering companies capable of delivering solutions to the key sustainable challenges (climate change, resource depletion, demographic change, …);

  • measure the contribution and impact of these investments individually and cumulatively within each SRI portfolio;

  • help companies better understand their strategy for dealing with these issues and encourage them, via an engagement policy, to implement a strategy centred on good practice at both operational and management level, while emphasising the important part they play in a more sustainable economy.


Influencing companies

Every year, we attend 1 200 AGMs, exercising our vote on around 16 000 resolutions. In recent years, we have primarily been concerned about directors’ remuneration and elections, as well as social capital. Fair working conditions, energy transition and business ethics are core features of our discussions and engagement policy. Candriam also participates in 50 or so initiatives in which, alongside fellow investors, it attempts to positively influence companies’ sustainable development strategies.


We exclude, and this applies to all our investments, activities linked to coal, tobacco ,and chemical and biological arms, including white phosphorus. Investing with Candriam guarantees you investment in tune with your values.

Responsible investment at Candriam


  • 1996: launch of our first sustainable funds
  • 77% of AUM in ESG assets 
  • 78 funds
  • 24 wholly dedicated staff 
  • 25 000 resolutions voted on
  • 10% of management fees donated to social impact initiatives

Find out more about Candriam Funds

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Responsible investment


The concept of responsible investment dates back to the religious movements in the Anglo-Saxon countries in the 18th century. Today’s approach, however, has been fashioned by the environmental movements of the early 1970s, and later by those linked to human rights and animal welfare.


Today, responsible investment is more popular than ever. Investors are not only much more aware of its positive impact on the world, but also of the opportunity this type of investment provides to outperform in the long term.


  • 86% of you claim to be “very interested” or “interested” in responsible investment.
  • 75% of you believe that their investments can influence climate change
  • 84% of you think that their investments can help alleviate poverty