Having principles. And putting them it into practice.

Voting & Engagement: the pillars of sustainable investment

It’s good to have principles. But in order to progress, it is important to put them into practice in a coherent way, on a daily basis, in all our actions.

For us, sustainable investment is not just about selecting companies or issuers for our portfolios. Being a responsible investor means making a concrete commitment to shifting the boundaries.

As a shareholder, we have a certain degree of influence. We use this power to support companies and issuers and help them move towards better environmental, social and governance practices.
Our tools are voting at general shareholders’ meetings, and the ongoing dialogue we have with companies and institutions.
We use our voice, and that of our investors, to shape the world of tomorrow.

This Guide “Voting & Engagement: the pillars of sustainable investment” presents the objectives of these two essential and complementary aspects of our actions as a responsible investor.

A guide to sustainable investing

Voting & Engagement: Pillars of sustainable investing

With sustainability a core topic for the investment community, the impact of Voting and Engagement is ever more apparent. Investors are increasingly integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into investment decisions. These can be implemented in port folios through either risk-focused negative selection approaches, such as exclusions based on international norms and controversial activities, as well as positive selection approaches. These aim to identify the best ESG per formers not only in terms of minimizing risk s, but also in terms of ESG opportunities and impact.