About this author

Christian Solé

Deputy Head of Fundamental European Equity / Senior Fund Manager / Analyst

Christian joined Candriam in February 2004 and has been managing portfolios since 2012, co-managing the European Small and Mid-Cap strategies since 2015. He also co-manages the Innovation and Optimum Quality Portfolios.

He began his career in 1997 at Fortis Investments (Générale de Banque, now BNP) in the Bond Research and Money Market management team. In July 2000, he became responsible for  co-managing their Financial Sector portfolios, before moving to Candriam as an analyst.

Christian holds a degree in commercial engineering from the Solvay Business School in Brussels and a degree in international political sciences from the University of Louvain in Belgium. He has been a qualified financial analyst with the Belgian Association of Financial Analysts (ABAF) since 1998.

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Outlook 2023, Christian Solé

Europese Small Caps: ze zeggen dat de geschiedenis zich nooit herhaalt. Maar rijmt ze niet vaak?

In het verleden hebben small caps de neiging gehad om sterk op te veren na inflatiepieken. Dankzij de intrinsieke kwaliteiten van small caps - flexibiliteit, sterk prijszettingsvermogen -, aangevuld met een zorgvuldige selectie door een ervaren team, kunnen ze in de nabije toekomst opnieuw schitteren, zoals een heldere en krachtige klarinetklank ons kan verrassen.

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