About this author

Sophie Deleuze

Lead ESG Analyst, Engagement and Voting

Sophie Deleuze has been Candriam's Lead Analyst in Engagement and Voting since 2019. Since 2016 she has specialized in Candriam's Engagement, Proxy voting, and stewardship efforts, coordinating our engagement in concert with our ESG analysis and with all our investment management teams. Mme Deleuze joined Candriam's ESG Research Department at its inception in 2005, and spent more than a decade with Candriam as an ESG analyst.

With a background in industry as a water engineer, she entered the SRI world at Arese in 2001. Sophie has been a participant in the Candriam charity Helping Those Who Help since 2014, and is active in local aid for seniors.

Ms Deleuze holds an Engineering Degree in Water Treatment, a Masters in Public Environmental Affairs, and is a recent Graduate of EFB Belgium in Nursing and Retirement Home Management.

Discover the latest articles by Sophie Deleuze

ESG, SRI, Sophie Deleuze

Candriam Stewardship - Long-Term Active Ownership

ENGAGEMENT and VOTING play an important role in communicating our core values to the company in which we invest on behalf of our clients – promoting three conviction topics as priorities, namely : Energy transition, Fair working conditions, and Business ethics.
Benjamin Chekroun, ESG, SRI, Facial Recognition, Sophie Deleuze, Research Paper

Gesichtserkennung und Menschenrechte: Research Paper

Es wird schätzt, dass eine Milliarde Überwachungskameras in Betrieb sind[i]. Die UN-Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte (United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UNGPs) ersuchen Unternehmen, die Menschenrechte zu respektieren und Verstöße zu korrigieren, wenn sie auftreten. Sie fordern Unternehmen auf, eine menschenrechtliche Sorgfaltsprüfung (Human Rights Due Diligence) durchzuführen, um zu „wissen und zu zeigen“, dass die Menschenrechte bei ihren eigenen Aktivitäten, bei Aktivitäten, die direkt mit ihren Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Tätigkeiten verbunden sind, und bei ihren Geschäftsbeziehungen beachtet werden.
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